Weekend Getaway

DAY 19 of the Flashnano Challenge. Flashnano is a challenge that involves writing 30 stories in 30 days throughout the month of November. A new writing prompt every day. As a reminder, at this stage I don’t edit these it’s simply raw, off the top of my head writing. Later, I’ll go through any that have potential and edit them. Thanks for reading.

FLASHNANO 2018 – 30 Stories in 30 Days

PROMPT 19: Write a story set in a hotel room

As I play catch up on this writing challenge bear with me as I just write whatever comes to mind from the prompt. Perhaps less “stories” and just more thoughts and memories.


Downtown Ventura, CA

Years ago my mom, sister and I used to take weekend getaway trips. More often than not we just went to Ventura and stayed at the hotel on the beach. We used to live in the area, so there was always a feeling of nostalgia as we drove through our hometown of Oxnard on the way to Ventura. We’d check into the hotel and stand out on the balcony overlooking the ocean. The sea will always wash away the stresses of day to day life. When you look out over its expansiveness your problems seem smaller and the sea breeze clears your mind. 

We never stuck around the room for long, we’d head down to Main Street to shop and eat. Main Street in Ventura has a quaint beach town vibe with none of the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. Most of the shops are just little artisan shops selling beach themed jewelry, art and clothes. My sister would always have to try clothes on. She’d head into the dressing room with blouses and dresses draped over her arm and my mom and I would wander around waiting, as neither of us were big on trying on clothes.

We’d look at funny little trinkets of seashells painted like crabs and laugh. I always remember those little moments of laughing with my mom. Periodically my sister would pop out of the dressing room and we’d tell her how cute every outfit looked on her, and they did. She can literally wear anything and look adorable. I have to work much harder. Such is the story of sisters though. After shopping we’d head to the pier for lunch. I can’t think of much that’s more relaxing than having lunch with the waves crashing around you and just enjoying fresh seafood, a spicy Bloody Mary and two of your favorite companions. 

As I write this little stream of consciousness story, I’m thinking my mom, sister and I need to plan a weekend getaway. It’s been a helluva year, one that altered the path of our lives forever. A weekend at the beach with my two best friends is definitely in order and the sea is calling.

About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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