The Armistice (Take Two)

DAY 15 of the Flashnano Challenge. Flashnano is a challenge that involves writing 30 stories in 30 days throughout the month of November. A new writing prompt every day. As a reminder, at this stage I don’t edit these it’s simply raw, off the top of my head writing. Later, I’ll go through any that have potential and edit them. Thanks for reading.

FLASHNANO 2018 – 30 Stories in 30 Days

PROMPT 15: Take a story you have written this month and cut it in half

I’m using Flashnano Prompt 11 – The Armistice for this prompt. Mainly because it was short already. 😄

Holiday prep is leaving me behind once again in this writing challenge, so bear with my quick game of catch-up with these next few stories. 🤷🏼‍♀️

They fell in love fast and hard, full of unquenchable passion. Greedy hands and lips burning to touch. But a flame that hot can’t stay lit when the gentle side of love is missing. Soon the flames of passion turned to flames of war. They were both exhausted now. They called an armistice in their war to do one last thing as a united front. They sat hip to hip on the couch explaining divorce to their greatest accomplishment their sweet mop topped little boy.

About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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