WANTED: A Forever Family

DAY 17 of the Flashnano Challenge. Flashnano is a challenge that involves writing 30 stories in 30 days throughout the month of November. A new writing prompt every day. As a reminder, at this stage I don’t edit these it’s simply raw, off the top of my head writing. Later, I’ll go through any that have potential and edit them. Thanks for reading.

FLASHNANO 2018 – 30 Stories in 30 Days

PROMPT 17: Write a story in the form of an advertisement

Holiday prep is leaving me behind once again in this writing challenge, so bear with my quick game of catch-up with these next few stories. 🤷🏼‍♀️


WANTED: A Forever Family

I’m rambunctious and I will always bark at the doorbell, and the vacuum cleaner, and the mailman…. Always. I will lose my mind if I see a squirrel or sometimes just a leaf blowing in the wind. Loud noises scare me and I will crawl onto your lap, even if I’m too big. If you drop food, I’ll clean it up – sometimes afterwards I’ll throw it up on the clean carpet. I’ll feel real guilty about it though. I’ll scratch the door to go out and turn immediately around and scratch it to come back in. I’ll snore sometimes and stinky toot when you have company. Sorry.

I’ll also love you unconditionally. I won’t care if you skip showering on the weekend and are a wee bit stinky yourself, truth be told, I like it. I’ll listen to your secrets and promise not to share them. I’ll take you for walks when you need exercise. I’ll give you kisses and accept endless hugs and treats. I’ll be your very best friend – forever. 

If this sounds good to you. Call your local shelter or rescue and give a pup or kitty a loving home. You won’t be sorry. A pet will fill your life with unimaginable joy and you’ll be saving a life. Everybody wins when you adopt a pet. 🐾❤️


About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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