The Girl with the Twinkling Eyes

FlashNano a challenge to write 30 stories in 30 days with a daily story prompt.

FlashNano Day 6: Write a story inspired by this picture


Sarah and I were best friends – unlike me, she was perfect. Her hair was chestnut brown like the mane of a horse and it sparkled in the sunlight. My hair didn’t sparkle.

In the summer of my youth we’d lay out in my backyard listening to Top 40’s music on a transistor radio. I miss the scratchy sound of a transistor radio, sometimes clarity isn’t such a good thing. Sarah never got a sunburn, she turned the color of golden honey. I burned.

Sarah’s eyes were an iridescent green, they twinkled when she laughed. I did everything in my power to make her laugh just to see them twinkle. My eyes are brown, they don’t twinkle.

Sarah and I talked for hours and when I was sad she listened. When my parents divorced, Sarah was there immediately. She sat next to me on the curb and let me cry. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out two pieces of chalk and handed one to me.

“From now on when we’re sad or lonely, let’s write,” she said.

And she started writing on the sidewalk. Her letters were big and swirly. I tried to copy her swirly letters, but my letters didn’t swirl. But, I did write.

One day my mom came outside when Sarah and I were writing on the sidewalk and she snapped, “What are you doing out here by yourself scribbling all over the sidewalk? Clean that up and get inside.”

Sarah left that day, her chestnut mane and twinkling eyes were gone. I never saw her again.

Sometimes clarity isn’t such a good thing.

About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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