A Test of Time

DAY 10 of the Flashnano Challenge. Flashnano is a challenge that involves writing 30 stories in 30 days throughout the month of November. A new writing prompt every day. As a reminder, at this stage I don’t edit these it’s simply raw, off the top of my head writing. Later, I’ll go through any that have potential and edit them. Thanks for reading.

FLASHNANO 2018 – 30 Stories in 30 Days

PROMPT 10: Write a story in the form of a test

**Real life getting in the way, playing speedy catch up. Nobody said they had to be 30 good stories. 😃

Testing woman illustration. Cartoon character girl checklist

Callie is

A) a single woman

B) a married woman with 3 kids

C) a divorcee


She spends her days

A) looking for Mr. Right

B) cursing her wrinkles and sometimes her husband

C) looking for Mr. Right Now

She feels happiest when

A) correctly ordering her Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip on the first try

B) taking a shower without her kids finding her

C) not caring whether he calls or not. Next…


Every night she pours herself

A) a tall glass of wine

B) a tall glass of wine

C) a tall glass of wine


One thing Callie knows for sure is 

A) she’s perfect as she is

B) she’s perfect as she is

C) she’s perfect as she is

About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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