Pretty to think so

FlashNano Day 19: Write a story where the ending comes first

**I have begun this quick stream of consciousness piece with one of my very favorite book endings “The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway. I didn’t follow the prompt to a tee, but I’m a rebel.


Yes,” I said. “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

I think we have forgotten how to live in the moment. We’ve forgotten how to give a fuck about anything outside of which filter makes our selfie look the most appealing. Which status post makes our lives seem better than everyone else’s. Happy, happier, happiest! Look up from your goddamn phone. Don’t take the picture, look at the scene. Burn it into your brain and remember it wherever you go by simply thinking about the beauty it brought to you. Think of the smells, the sounds, the feelings it gave you… put your fucking phone down for 2 minutes. You will survive. Try it. You can’t…. can you? Life is so much more beautiful through your eyes than through your lens. But, we’ve forgotten that. Look at the world around you and find some real, authentic fucking beauty. I wish we could all do it, but we can’t or won’t.

But, yes, it’s pretty to think so anyway.

About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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2 Responses to Pretty to think so

  1. Steven Baird says:

    Yay! Perfectly said.

    Liked by 1 person

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