Her Ginger Girl

FlashNano Day 11: Write a story featuring the color orange


“Mommy, why do I have orange hair? A mean boy in my class calls me ‘Ginger’ ”

“Oh baby, you have lovely red hair.”

“But, it’s not red, it’s orange. You and daddy have brown hair. Why do I have orange hair?”

Patting her lap, “C’mere.”

“I’m too big for that!”

“Humor me.”

With a giggle the little girl climbed onto her mommy’s lap and cuddled into her shoulder.

“Baby, when you were little your daddy and I picked you out special. Your other mommy wanted to give you the best life ever and so we got to adopt you.”

“Did you have other choices? Why’d you pick me?”

“It was easy… one look at your red-”

“Orange, mommy!”

“So stubborn, where do you get that from?”

“Daddy says you!”

Laughing, “Oh really? Ok, one look at your orange hair as you were swinging on that swing set… do you remember the swing set?”

“I think so…”

“Your daddy and I watched you swing and your hair was flying out behind you and it painted the sky like a southwest sunset. I’d never seen anything more beautiful. We fell madly in love with you right at that moment.”

“Oh mommy, I’m so glad you picked me. My hair is like a sunset?”

“Yes, baby, and just like a sunset it reminds me every day just how lucky I am.”


“Yes, baby?”

“I think I like my sunset hair.”

“Oh, me too, love bug, me too.”

About Jody

Jody is a graphic designer and avid reader who lives in Los Angeles.
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7 Responses to Her Ginger Girl

  1. imatchett says:

    So beautiful! What a sweet moment between mother and daughter. A moment to be treasured forever…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. it is a poignant moment one parent gives to a child that lives with them forever in their hearts!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steven Baird says:

    Okay, this is lovely. Wonderful language, wonderful story. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Steven Baird says:

    You’re welcome. 🙂


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